Almost at the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic began sprea 2.1.1. The Green New Deal for Europe is the first attempt at a political response to climate change that is on the same scale as the problem itself, and it recognizes that any response to the climate and sustainability crisis must necessarily also deal with the austerity and economic short-sightedness that currently paralyze our societies. The EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition is a key action of the European Green Deal scheduled for spring 2021. The name refers back to the New Deal, a set of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. We are mobilising to disrupt business as usual, deploying our people power to advocate for our shared vision on the streets. New measures on their own will not be enough to achieve the European Green Deal’s objectives. We begin to construct networks of solidarity — from activists and municipalities to political parties and trade unions willing to take bold action on the climate and environmental crises — and work together to advance our agenda from the bottom up. The proposals it sets out fall into four themes: We begin by building our people power — equipping activists and organizers in DiEM25 and beyond with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to take the Green New Deal for Europe to their communities. Because of that, it could do much more to pave the… Met deze Green Deal moet Europa het eerste klimaatneutrale continent worden: voor 2050 dient de Europese Unie niet meer bij te dragen aan de opwarming van de aarde door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. The Green New Deal for Europe is a living, breathing policy platform, drawing on the knowledge and experiences of researchers, activists, practitioners and communities around Europe. The first, a Green New Deal for the European Union, makes the case that a transnational movement, built around the concerns of front-line communities across the continent, can confront the EU and insert its demands at the heart of the so-called ‘European Green Deal,’ filling the democratic deficit at … I cambiamenti climatici e il degrado ambientale sono una minaccia enorme per l'Europa e il mondo. boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy; restore biodiversity and cut pollution; The plan outlines investments needed and financing tools available. The EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition is a key action of the European Green Deal scheduled for spring 2021. Eerste vicevoorzitter Frans Timmermans is hier verantwoordelijk voor. No matter the amount, your donation will go a long way in our bid to transform Europe. Green New Deal (GND) proposals call for public policy to address climate change along with achieving other social aims like job creation and reducing economic inequality.The name refers back to the New Deal, a set of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. The Green Deal represents an unprecedented opportunity for Europe to move away from fragmented policymaking. The European Green Deal, launched by the European Commission in December 2019, outlines a comprehensive framework of regulations and legislation aimed at achieving the EU´s targets of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and a 50% to 55% cut in emissions from 1990 levels by 2030. Aiuti, cooperazione allo sviluppo, diritti fondamentali, La presenza della Commissione europea sul web, Segui la Commissione europea sui social media, nel 2050 non siano più generate emissioni nette di gas a effetto serra, la crescita economica sia dissociata dall'uso delle risorse. De Green Deal is het programma van de Commissie Von der Leyen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. On December 11, 2019, the European Commission unveiled the Green Deal, the European Union's new growth strategy, creating jobs, reducing environmental impact and ensuring a fair transition for all, as President Ursula von der Leyen remarked. For all the Green New Deal’s bold ideas, noticeably absent is any carbon pricing proposal. Il Green New Deal europeo si regge su un forte rilancio degli investimenti in energia e infrastrutture, in una fase di stagnazione economica. green_deal_proposal El cambio climático y la degradación del medio ambiente son una amenaza existencial a la que se enfrentan Europa y el resto del mundo. The Green New Deal for Europe is an international campaign for a swift, just, and democratic transition to a sustainable Europe. The first steps under the Green Deal Financing the green transition. The European Green Deal . Met deze Green Deal moet Europa het eerste klimaatneutrale continent worden: voor 2050 dient de Europese Unie niet meer bij te dragen aan de opwarming van de aarde door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Read more El pasado 27 de noviembre el Parlamento Europeo aprobó la formación de la nueva comisión europea, bajo la presidencia de Ursula von der Leyen, que presentó ante los eurodiputados las seis prioridades de esta comisión. The Green New Deal combines Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency. It explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition. The Green New Deal is the integrated policy approach that Greens in Europe are putting forward as a solution to the crisis. The Green New Deal for Europe with James K. Galbraith and David Adler [video] Our special guest James K. Galbraith and David Adler answer all your burning Green New Deal questions in this exclusive DiEM TV programme. El Green Deal es la respuesta a una de las seis prioridades que la comisión se ha fijado para los próximos cinco años, que son: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We are calling for a Green New Deal for Europe to: Confront the climate crisis. Ursprünglich bedeutet der aus dem Kartenspiel kommende Begriff „ new deal “, dass die Karten neu gemischt und neu verteilt werden, d. h., es findet ein Neuanfang statt. Unlike the U.S. Democrats’ Green New Deal, the European Union’s version is technically feasible. Feed markets Sustainability Feed and nutrition Herd management. Unlike the U.S. Democrats’ Green New Deal, the European Union’s version is technically feasible. Il Green Deal sarà finanziato con una quantità ingente di soldi, pubblici e privati. The European Green Deal provides an action plan to. We achieve this mission in four key steps: We are building a broad coalition of citizens, research organisations and civil society groups to contribute to a shared vision of Europe’s ecological transformation. Share. We do not receive EU grants, government subsidies or funds from the corporate Establishment. We are deploying our political power in the media, across all levels of government, and in our communities to shift the policy paradigm and build a new common sense. Invest in our communities. The EU aims to be climate neutral in 2050. The Green New Deal for Europe is an international campaign for a swift, just, and democratic transition to a sustainable Europe. Hai riscontrato un problema nella pagina? We listen to and learn from Europeans of all stripes, building a shared vision of the just transition that is as exciting as it is necessary. DiEM25 is funded solely by individual contributions from people like you. Green New Deal (GND) proposals call for public policy to address climate change along with achieving other social aims like job creation and reducing economic inequality. The current report by the Wuppertal Institute analyzes in depth the climate, environment and energy aspects of this proposal. Per superare queste sfide, l'Europa ha bisogno di una nuova strategia per la crescita che trasformi l'Unione in un'economia moderna, efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse e competitiva in cui: Il Green Deal europeo è la nostra tabella di marcia per rendere sostenibile l'economia dell'UE. The first steps under the Green Deal Financing the green transition. We are fighting for a Green New Deal for Europe: a swift transition away from fossil fuels that protects frontline communities, empowers workers, and redresses Europe’s historic role in resource extraction around the world. WindEurope CEO, Giles Dickson, discusses the European Green Deal.For more information please visit: Il Green Deal europeo o Patto Verde europeo è un insieme di iniziative politiche proposte dalla Commissione europea con l'obiettivo generale di raggiungere la neutralità climatica in Europa entro il 2050. It will help to create a toxic-free environment across the EU by better monitoring and, reporting, and by preventing and remedying pollution … EuroTier 2021: new digital solution for the feed industry to contribute to the European Green Deal. Il Green Deal sarà finanziato con una quantità ingente di soldi, pubblici e privati. Dieses Ziel werden wir dadurch erreichen, dass wir klima- und umweltpolitische Herausforderungen in allen Politikbereichen als Chancen sehen und den Übergang für alle gerecht … The Green New Deal for Europe will lower the cost of living by investing in resource-efficient energy, locally sustainable agriculture, high quality housing, and less expensive transportation. Its main objectivesare for the EU to become climate collaborare con i partner internazionali per migliorare gli standard ambientali mondiali. Si tratta del cosiddetto meccanismo per una transizione giusta, che contribuirà a mobilitare almeno 100 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2021-2027 nelle regioni più colpite. Il Green Deal europeo prevede un piano d'azione volto a: Il piano illustra gli investimenti necessari e gli strumenti di finanziamento disponibili e spiega come garantire una transizione equa e inclusiva. Thanks to the GNDE coalition’s collaborative approach, from a policy perspective the Green New Deal for Europe compares favourably to its cousin across the Atlantic, says Lilliston, who describes the plan as “impressive, comprehensive, and detailed.” He finds that the proposed Environmental Justice Commission “recognizes the enormous challenge we’re facing, and the need for accountability and adaptability as we move forward.” Lilliston draws parallels with New York’s climate plan which also facil… In addition to launching new initiatives, t he Commission will work with the Member States to step up the EU’s efforts to ensure that current legislation and policies relevant to the Green Deal are enforced and effectively implemented. Per conseguire questo obiettivo sarà necessaria l'azione di tutti i settori della nostra economia, tra cui: L'UE fornirà inoltre sostegno finanziario e assistenza tecnica per aiutare i soggetti più colpiti dal passaggio all'economia verde. Presentazione del piano degli obiettivi climatici 2030, Adozione delle strategie dell'UE per l'integrazione dei sistemi energetici e per l'idrogeno per preparare la strada verso un settore energetico pienamente decarbonizzato, più efficiente e interconnesso, Proposta di un piano d'azione per l'economia circolare incentrato sull'uso sostenibile delle risorse, Adozione della strategia industriale europea, un piano per un'economia pronta per il futuro, Presentazione del piano di investimenti del Green Deal europeo e del meccanismo per una transizione giusta, Misure per proteggere il nostro fragile ecosistema, Come garantire una catena alimentare più sostenibile, La sostenibilità nell'agricoltura e nelle zone rurali dell'UE grazie alla politica agricola comune (PAC), Come garantire cicli di produzione più sostenibili e rispettosi dell'ambiente, Necessità di un settore delle costruzioni più pulito, Promuovere mezzi di trasporto più sostenibili, Misure per ridurre l'inquinamento in modo rapido ed efficace, Conseguire la neutralità climatica dell'UE entro il 2050, (Съобщение и пътна карта относно Европейския зелен пакт), (Comunicación y hoja de ruta sobre el Pacto Verde Europeo), (Sdělení a plán týkající se Zelené dohody pro Evropu ), (Meddelelse om og køreplan for den europæiske grønne pagt), (Mitteilung und Fahrplan zum europäischen Grünen Deal), (Teatis ja tegevuskava Euroopa rohelise kokkuleppe kohta), (Ανακοίνωση και χάρτης πορείας για την Ευρωπαϊκή Πράσινη Συμφωνία), (Communication and roadmap on the European Green Deal), (Communication et feuille de route relatives au pacte vert pour l’Europe), (Komunikacija i okvirni plan za europski zeleni plan), (Paziņojums un ceļvedis par Eiropas zaļo kursu), (Komunikatas ir veiksmų planas dėl Europos žaliojo kurso), (Európai zöld megállapodás – közlemény és ütemterv), (Komunikazzjoni u pjan direzzjonali dwar il-Patt Ekoloġiku Ewropew), (De Europese Green Deal: mededeling en routekaart), (Komunikat i plan działania w sprawie Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu), (Comunicação e roteiro sobre o Pacto Ecológico Europeu), (Comunicarea și foaia de parcurs privind Pactul verde european), (Oznámenie a plán realizácie týkajúce sa európskej zelenej dohody), (Sporočilo in časovni načrt o evropskem zelenem dogovoru), (Komission tiedonanto ja etenemissuunnitelma Euroopan vihreän kehityksen ohjelmasta), (Meddelande och färdplan om EU:s gröna giv), (Съобщение на Комисията относно Плана за инвестиции за устойчива Европа), (Comunicación de la Comisión sobre el Plan de Inversiones para una Europa Sostenible), (Sdělení Komise o investičním plánu pro udržitelnou Evropu), (Meddelelse fra Kommissionen om investeringsplanen for et bæredygtigt Europa), (Mitteilung der Kommission - Investitionsplan für ein zukunftsfähiges Europa), (Komisjoni teatis kestliku Euroopa investeerimiskava kohta), (Ανακοίνωση της Επιτροπής σχετικά με το επενδυτικό σχέδιο «Βιώσιμη Ευρώπη»), (Commission Communication on the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan), (Communication de la Commission sur le Plan d'investissement pour une Europe durable), (Komunikacija Komisije o Planu ulaganja za održivu Europu), (Komisijas paziņojums par Ilgtspējīgas Eiropas investīciju plānu), (Komisijos komunikatas „Tvarios Europos investicijų planas“), (A Bizottság közleménye a Fenntartható Európa beruházási tervről), (Komunikazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni dwar il-Pjan ta' Investiment għal Ewropa Sostenibbli), (Mededeling van de Commissie over het investeringsplan voor een duurzaam Europa), (Komunikat Komisji w sprawie planu inwestycyjnego na rzecz zrównoważonej Europy), (Comunicação da Comissão sobre o Plano de Investimento para uma Europa sustentável), (Comunicarea Comisiei privind planul de investiții pentru o Europă durabilă), (Oznámenie Komisie o investičnom pláne pre udržateľnú Európu), (Sporočilo Komisije o naložbenem načrtu za trajnostno Evropo ), (Komission tiedonanto Kestävä Eurooppa -investointiohjelmasta), (Kommissionens meddelande om investeringsplanen för ett hållbart Europa), (Предложение за регламент за създаване на Фонда за справедлив преход), (Propuesta de Reglamento por el que se establece el Fondo de Transición Justa), (Návrh nařízení, kterým se zřizuje Fond pro spravedlivou transformaci), (Forslag til en forordning om oprettelse af Fonden for Retfærdig Omstilling), (Vorschlag für eine Verordnung zur Einrichtung des Fonds für einen gerechten Übergang), (Õiglase ülemineku fondi asutamise määruse ettepanek), (Πρόταση κανονισμού για τη θέσπιση του Ταμείου Δίκαιης Μετάβασης), (Proposal for a regulation establishing the Just Transition Fund), (Proposition de Règlement établissant le fonds pour une transition juste), (Togra le haghaidh rialachán lena mbunaítear an Ciste um Aistriú Cóir), (Prijedlog uredbe o Fondu za pravednu tranziciju), (Priekšlikums Regulai, ar ko izveido Taisnīgas pārkārtošanās fondu), (Reglamento, kuriuo įsteigiamas Teisingos pertvarkos fondas, pasiūlymas), (Rendeletjavaslat a Méltányos Átállást Támogató Alap létrehozásáról), (Proposta għal regolament li jistabbilixxi l-Fond għal Tranżizzjoni Ġusta ), (Voorstel voor een verordening tot oprichting van het fonds voor een rechtvaardige transitie), (Wniosek dotyczący rozporządzenia ustanawiającego Fundusz na rzecz Sprawiedliwej Transformacji), (Proposta de regulamento que institui o Fundo para uma Transição Justa), (Propunerea de regulament privind instituirea Fondului pentru o tranziție justă), (Návrh nariadenia, ktorým sa zriaďuje Fond na spravodlivú transformáciu), (Predlog uredbe o ustanovitvi Sklada za pravičen prehod), (Ehdotus asetukseksi oikeudenmukaisen siirtymän rahaston perustamisesta), (Amendments to the Common Provisions Regulation), (Geänderter Vorschlag für eine verordnung mit gemeinsamen Bestimmungen), (Proposition modifiée de réglement portant dispositions communes), (Commission proposal for a regulation: European Climate Law), (Propuesta de Reglamento presentada por la Comisión: Ley del Clima Europea), (Návrh Komise na nařízení: evropský právní rámec pro klima), (Kommissionens forslag til forordning: En europæisk klimalov), (Vorschlag der Kommission für eine Verordnung: Europäisches Klimagesetz), (Komisjoni ettepanek määruse kohta: Euroopa kliimaseadus), (Πρόταση κανονισμού της Επιτροπής: ευρωπαϊκός νόμος για το κλίμα), (Proposition de la Commission relative à un règlement: loi européenne sur le climat), (Togra ón gCoimisiún le haghaidh rialacháin: An Dlí Aeráide Eorpach), (Komisijin prijedlog uredbe: europski propis o klimi), (Komisijas priekšlikums regulai: Eiropas Klimata akts), (Komisijos pasiūlymas dėl reglamento. Because of that, it could do much more to pave the… Para superar estos retos, Europa necesita una nueva estrategia de crecimiento que transforme la Unión en una economía moderna, eficiente en el uso de los recursos y competitiva, donde: Founded in April 2019 by DiEM25, the Green New Deal for Europe campaign aims to unite Europe’s communities, unions, parties, and activists behind a shared vision of environmental justice. Provide decent, future-proof jobs. De Green Deal is het programma van de Commissie Von der Leyen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. We are training a generation of activists to organise their communities, grow our movement, write for a public audience, and advance our shared vision in diverse communities across the continent. Consultazione pubblica (aperta fino al 17 giugno 2020) sul. Besser wäre es, mit grünen Anleihen – aufgelegt durch die Europäische Investitionsbank – das Wirtschaftssystem sozial-ökologisch zu transf... Für das Corona-Aufbauprogramm und den Green … Abbiamo proposto una legge europea per il clima per trasformare questo impegno politico in un obbligo giuridico. Europos klimato teisės aktas), (A Bizottság javaslata: európai klímarendelet), (Proposta tal-Kummissjoni għal regolament: Liġi Ewropea dwar il-Klima), (Voorstel van de Commissie voor een verordening: Europese klimaatwet), (Wniosek Komisji dotyczący rozporządzenia: europejskie prawo o klimacie), (Proposta de regulamento da Comissão: Lei Europeia do Clima), (Propunere a Comisiei de regulament: Legea europeană a climei), (Návrh nariadenia Komisie: európsky právny predpis v oblasti klímy), (Predlog Komisije za uredbo: evropska podnebna pravila ), (Komission asetusehdotus: eurooppalainen ilmastolaki), (Kommissionens förslag till en europeisk klimatlag), (Commission Proposal for a Decision: A European Year of Rail (2021)), (Communication: A new Circular Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner and More Competitive Europe), Comunicazione sul Green Deal europeo e tabella di marcia, Comunicazione della Commissione sul piano di investimenti per un'Europa sostenibile, Proposta di regolamento che istituisce il Fondo per una transizione giusta, Amendments to the Common Provisions Regulation, Proposta di regolamento presentata dalla Commissione: legge europea sul clima, Commission Proposal for a Decision: A European Year of Rail (2021), Publication: A new Circular Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner and More Competitive Europe, Communication: A new Circular Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner and More Competitive Europe, Il sito è gestito dalla direzione generale della Comunicazione, Strategia in materia di sostanze chimiche per la sostenibilità, strategie dell'UE per l'integrazione dei sistemi energetici e per l'idrogeno, strategia dell'UE sulla biodiversità per il 2030, piano di investimenti del Green Deal europeo, Green Deal europeo: La Commissione presenta azioni volte a promuovere la produzione biologica, Questions and answers: actions to boost organic production, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans' remarks at the 5th Ministerial for Climate Action, A Global Green Deal: op-ed article by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank, Un mercato interno dell'energia pienamente integrato, Azione per il clima - decarbonizzare l’economia. Founded in April 2019 by DiEM25, the Green New Deal for Europe campaign aims to unite Europe’s communities, unions, parties, and activists behind a shared vision of … The Green New Deal is a four part program for moving America quickly out of crisis into a secure, sustainable future. Der europäische Grüne Deal ist unser Fahrplan für eine nachhaltige EU-Wirtschaft. Il Green Deal europeo prevede un piano d'azione volto a: promuovere l'uso efficiente delle risorse passando a un'economia pulita e circolare; ripristinare la biodiversità e ridurre l'inquinamento; Il piano illustra gli investimenti necessari e gli strumenti di finanziamento disponibili e spiega come garantire una transizione equa e inclusiva. Puntare a essere il primo continente a impatto climatico zero. Download our full report below, currently available in English, German, Italian and Polish. Il Green New Deal europeo va a toccare anche il controverso argomento del mercato delle quote di carbonio (il mercato ETS, Emissions Trade System), di cui si è discusso a lungo durante la Cop25 di Madrid.La Commissione vorrebbe estendere il meccanismo, per cui paga di più chi emette più Co2, anche al trasporto marittimo.