The 2021 EU-African Union Summit is the key moment when African and European leaders will meet to determine joint priorities for their common future. EU trade policy and Africa's exports The EU is Africa's main customer for food and manufactured products Africa's exports to the European Union amounted to more than €116 billion in 2016. We have an interest in Africa’s success and sustainable development; we want to be partners in creating We engage African countries early and often as partners in pursuing our shared interests and values – from security, global health, climate change, freedom and democracy, and shared prosperity. I have asked Pekka Haavisto, Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, to travel to Ethiopia to repeat our requests to the government and assess the situation. We will use this data to improve your experience on our website. This ceremony marks the end of a first step in the construction of the "PEPER" project which consists of the construction of a plant for the production of drinking water by desalination of sea water which will contribute to the growing needs of the city of Djibouti and increase the country's independence in terms of water resources. “Now it is out of necessity,” the diplomat said. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. This financial structure might change as a result of the negotiations on the new EU multiannual financial framework 2021-2028 (see separate fact sheet 1.4.3on this issue), which started i… The EU has launched several military and civilian missions and operations in Africa, as part of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). 31/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – The Syria conflict has wreaked havoc for ten years and it is still going on. This describes how the EU can help countries in the region tackle these challenges and strengthen their maritime capabilities, the rule of law and effective governance. In 2011, the EU adopted a strategic framework for the Horn of Africa. The EU-27 remains Africa’s main partner for trade in goods, making up 31% and 29% of African exports and imports respectively in 2019 (compared to China’s 11% and 16%). But the jury is still out on the effectiveness of this investment. This conflict threatens also to destabilise the whole Horn of Africa. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The EU's African Peace Facility, which has a budget of €750m for 2014 – 2016, has provided much of the funding for African-led peacekeeping operations, as well for operationalising the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), helping to improve African capacities and mechanisms to pre… The export numbers have tripled in the last few decades since the EU provides the immediate … Since the refugee crisis, Europe has been courting African governments and banking on increased cooperation. The EU plans to invest more in Africa and wants to intensify trade relations. And it can get very complicated. Horn of Africa 2. So there are tariffs that affect some South African goods. In November 2015, the EU and the African leaders most concerned agreed on the Valetta action plan. The press office holds press events, offers audiovisual coverage of major events and provides facilities for journalists. The European Union continues to monitor the humanitarian situation in Burundi. Refugees receive life-saving in-kind and cash-based food assistance. The press office is the first point of contact for all media requests. Despite increasing competition, the EU also remains Africa’s biggest investor in both stock and … Their implementation is closely coordinated with the Council's Political and Security Committee. Minister argues EU should priorities the transition to clean energy in a treaty to be negotiated with the African Union . Countries in the region of the Gulf of Guinea are facing growing instability due to a lack of control over coastal waters and the coast itself. Development cooperation is channelled through different financial instruments. The headquarters of the Council of the EU and the European Council are located in Brussels (Belgium). African countries and the EU cooperate through multiple frameworks such as: 1. the Cotonou agreement 2. the joint Africa-EU strategy In addition to these frameworks, the Council has adopted three regional strategies for the: 1. This strategy was agreed by the African Union and EU institutions, as well as by African and EU countries. Compacts tailored to the needs of each country are being put in place. Pledging funding is easy, visible, and it pleases politicians on both sides. The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at … The Consensus aligns with the EU’s 2012 Agenda for Change, which is aimed at improving the effectiveness of funding assistance by concentrating the EU’s country programs on a maximum of three sectors per country and by prioritizing the use of general budget support as an assistance modality tied to stricter conditions to encourage principles of good administrative and fiscal governance. The Council of the EU and the European Council work on a wide range of issues affecting the interests of the EU and its citizens. 03/04/2021 – HR/VP Blog - The humanitarian situation in the Ethiopian Tigray region remains very serious. The Council of the EU is the institution representing the member states' governments. The most obvious and damaging exhibit is, of course, the Common Agricultural Policy which takes up half the EU budget and lavishes subsidies onto the EU’s biggest landowners at the expense of millions of the poorest farmers in Africa. Europe is already spending over €2 billion to help African governments with border management and addressing the so-called root causes of migration. For the EU, helping to stop the human right abuses in the Tigray region and restore peace in Ethiopia is a high priority. But we also need to renew the search for a political solution to the crisis. The EU was given its current structure and powers in 2007 with the Lisbon Treaty, also known as the Reform Treaty. Also known informally as the EU Council, it is where national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies. The Horn of Africa, a region in East Africa , has faced repetitive droughts over the past years, causing a severe humanitarian crisis. In the same sense, the EU could help African regional integration by pushing for a reduction of the number of African « regional communities » (at least 14), most of which do not work ; and encourage the two big Euro-African « families » – English-speaking and French-speaking – to play fairly the trans-African … Read more about the role of the European Council, Cotonou Agreement (background information), EU-Africa roadmap 2014-2017, 2-3 April 2014, Joint communication to the European Parliament and the Council for a renewed impetus of the Africa-EU Partnership, Towards a comprehensive strategy with Africa (Factsheet European Commission), On the path to a deeper and stronger partnership, living up to the European and African aspirations: Council adopts conclusions on Africa (Council conclusions, 30 June 2020), Examples of EU humanitarian support to Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic (EEAS), Strategic framework for the Horn of Africa, November 2011, SHARE - Horn of Africa (European Commission), EU counter-terrorism action plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen, Council conclusions on the EU Horn of Africa regional action plan 2015-2020, Annual report Horn of Africa regional action plan 2015/2016, EU Gulf of Guinea action plan, 16 March 2015, EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel, EU Sahel strategy regional action plan 2015-2020, 5th African Union - EU Summit, 29-30/11/2017, AU-EU summit in Brussels - 2-3 April 2014, African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Working Party, Internal agreement on the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), Finding solutions to migratory pressures (background information), EUR 50 million for new Joint Force of the Sahel countries: EU steps up its support for security in the region (European Commission), EU trade with West Africa (European Commission), EU trade with the Southern African Development Community (European Commission), EU trade with the East African Community (European Commission), EU trade with Central Africa (European Commission), EU trade with Eastern and Southern Africa (European Commission), EU development and cooperation (Europeaid) in Africa (European Commission), Foreign affairs & international relations, A Partnership for the Green Transition and Energy Access, A Partnership for Sustainable Growth and Jobs, A Partnership for Peace, Security and Governance. Gulf of Guinea 3. That is why we must continue to mobilise international support for the Syrian people. In 2014, EU and African countries agreed on the roadmap for 2014-2017. To underpin these actions, the EU and its member states have committed to a Team Europe global response package of almost €36 billion. In the Council, the following bodies are responsible for Africa-EU relations: The EU and Africa are taking concrete action to promote better access to education, boost investment and create jobs. The EU is looking to make a deal with North African countries similar to the deal it made with Turkey in 2016. On 4 May 2017, the High Representative and the Commission issued a joint communication for a renewed impetus of the Africa-EU Partnership. The EU and its Member States are the leading provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Africa. Award amounts will range from EUR 100,000 to EUR 2,000,000. South Sudan: Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union Europe and Africa have close historical, cultural and geographical ties. The EU has negotiated a series of economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with 48 countries from Sub-Saharan Africa, as part of the Cotonou agreement. Because global challenge require global solutions, the EU has set out plans to support partner countries' efforts in fighting the pandemic. It focuses on four areas which are highly relevant to the stabilisation of the region, namely: The EU-Africa partnership is developed through formal dialogues at various levels: The fifth African Union - EU summit took place on 29-30 November 2017 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km 2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of about 447 million. It covers the EU's relations with 79 countries, including 48 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The main EU aid programme for Africa is the European Development Fund (EDF) and it works like this: All EU Member States participate in the EDF committee and each project is approved by a vote. However, even if Russia and China seem to join forces to face the “Western world”, the future geopolitical landscape of a multipolar world is not simple. A cement factory in Figuil, Cameroon. A senior EU diplomat closely involved in preparing the two-day summit in Abidjan, bringing together leaders from the African Union and the European Union, said previous initiatives to aid Africa were born out of a wish to help. Adopted in 2015, the Sahel regional action plan 2015-2020 provides a solid basis for pursuing the objectives of the strategy. One illustration is the joint visit to Mali in February 2015 by the African Union's Peace and Security Council and the EU's Political and Security Committee. This roadmap sets out five key priorities and areas for joint action. A senior EU coordinator looks after the implementation of the EU Gulf of Guinea strategy and the action plan. This comprises 16 concrete actions to address the mass influx of migrants coming to Europe. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. We achieved this with the Fifth “Brussels Conference on the future of Syria and the region” this week – generating € 5,3 billion of new pledges. In the last two decades, the European Union (EU) has been characterized by phases of progressive deepening and widening of the integration process and prolonged stalemates. With your permission, we will use AT internet cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. All the EU’s relationships with the world’s key strategic actors have been in play, i.e. The EU supports counter-terrorism initiatives and activities on the African continent. It proposes to work together on five key global trends: These proposals build on a growing momentum in EU-Africa relations. In 2014, the fourth African Union - EU summit brought together more than 60 EU and African leaders to discuss the future of EU-Africa relations and reinforce links between the two continents. Council and European Council documents are made available through the public register, in accordance with EU rules on transparency. The Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) came into force in May 2019. 29/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – Last week the pace of international developments accelerated. The EU's foreign relations are dealt with either through the Common Foreign and Security Policy decided by the European Council, or the economic trade negotiations handled by the European Commission.The leading EU diplomat in both areas is the High Representative Josep Borrell. Africa's prosperity is Europe's opportunity. African countries and the EU cooperate through multiple frameworks such as: In addition to these frameworks, the Council has adopted three regional strategies for the: Africa-EU relations also take place through formal dialogues, such as the EU-Africa summits. EU to provide further aid to Africa in return for help in stopping migrants cross Mediterranean Brussels is to link development aid to African … The Council and European Council are working to establish a comprehensive European migration policy. In February 2017, EU leaders adopted the Malta declaration setting out their intention to increase cooperation with Libya, which is the main country of departure towards Europe. While the EU provides assistance to the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States through the European Development Fund, it groups North Africa—the continent’s best … It outlines the action to be taken by the EU to help the people of the region achieve peace, stability, security, prosperity and accountable government. EU can help Africa become the ‘greenest continent’: German minister Published on 24/08/2020, 5:36pm. This defines the EU's approach for addressing key issues throughout the region. To find out more, visit the page on the Cotonou agreement: The EU finances development programmes and initiatives benefiting multiple countries across Africa. The inauguration of the large-scale drinking water production plant located in Doraleh is funded by the European Union with 73 million euros and by the Djiboutian government with 5.5 million euros. The Council is regularly updated on its implementation, including through annual reports. Summaries of EU legislation on humanitarian aid and civil protection In June 2016, the European Council agreed to deepen cooperation with key countries of origin and transit. Investing in youth was the central theme of the summit, as this has become a key priority for Europe as well as for Africa. As a result of this, criminal activity is on the rise, such as: In March 2014, the Council adopted a strategy on the Gulf of Guinea. The Foreign Affairs Council welcomed the joint communication at its meeting on 15 May 2017. The EU remains Africa’s biggest donor. SahelAfrica-EU relations also take place through formal dialogues, such as the EU-Africa summits. Under the 2016 EU-Turkey migration deal, Ankara agreed to prevent migrants from crossing to Greece and receive repatriated migrants, in exchange for several billion euros in financial aid to assist with managing and processing over 3.5 million refugees. How much development and humanitarian aid does the EU provide in Africa? Since Africa on the other hand is still very poor and faces many societal problems, Europe can through its actions in development cooperation and its policies, help Africa meet these challenges. Consequently, any data related to the United Kingdom posterior to this date will no longer be shown in the EU Aid Explorer, as part of “EU Member States”. It consists of the heads of state or government of the member states, together with its President and the President of the Commission. EU-Africa relations are based on the 2000 Cotonou Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, which grew out of the 1975 Lomé Convention. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how interdepend our two continents are. Africa’s continental integration has become a key priority for both the African Union and the EU. The starkest example of the dark heart of the European Union is its brutal neo-colonial relationship with the Third World, particularly Africa. The improvement and development of relations between Europe and Africa have resulted in a soaring export performance of West Africa, as well as the rest of the continent. In March 2020, the European Commission and the EEAS put forth the Joint Communication “Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa”. European humanitarian values in action The European Union provides assistance to countries and populations, both within Europe and abroad, when major disasters or humanitarian emergencies occur. You can also take a look at Council publications, access the archives and search for legislation that the Council negotiates together with the European Parliament. In addition to providing financial aid and engaging in dialogues with partner countries, the EU also conducts research and evaluation to ensure that aid is used effectively. The General Secretariat of the Council is a body of staff responsible for assisting the European Council and the Council of the EU. The Cotonou agreement is the overarching framework for EU relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. The most important is the European Development Fund (EDF), which is based on the Cotonou Agreement and is not part of the common EU budget (see separate fact sheet 5.3.1 on development). Committees and working parties handle the preparatory work on files before they are discussed at Council meetings. Follow the latest developments on policy-making and on legislation under negotiation. The proposals set out not only the opportunities and challenges faced within each of these fields, but also 10 clear action points as a basis for future cooperation. You can get in contact to arrange a visit, ask questions about the work of both institutions, and request a document, among other services. Europe and Africa are both experiencing deep transformations that affect their integration paths and interregional relationship. These agreements aim to create a shared trade and development partnership backed up by development support. Under these treaties, the bloc’s twenty-eight members agree to pool their sovereignty and delegate many decision-making powers to the EU EU leaders are ready to engage on important avenues of cooperation including the modernisation of the Customs Union, the relaunching of high-level dialogues and people-to-people contacts, plus strengthened cooperation on migration management. Most of the funding comes from the European development fund (EDF), which has a budget of €30.5 billion for the period 2014-2020. It helps organise and ensure the coherence of the Council's work and the implementation of its 18-month programme. The European Council is the EU institution that defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union. To get more information about these cookies, how and why we use them and how you can change your settings, check our cookies policy page. Many events seem to indicate the often-announced confrontation between democracies and authoritarian regimes. The joint Africa-EU strategy was adopted in 2007 as the formal channel for EU relations with African countries. In 2018, the EU and its 27 Member States provided €19.6 billion – 46% of the total which Africa received. The EU says it gives fully or partly duty-free access to 98.7% of imports coming from South Africa. EU Aid Explorer After 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer an EU Member State. EU-Africa relations are based on the 2000 Cotonou Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, which grew out of the 1975 Lomé Convention. The EU budget supports a wide range of policies implemented within the European Union and has helped the EU to consolidate its strong role in the international arena, as a leader in the fight against climate change and as the largest donor of humanitarian and development aid in the world. Ultimately the AfCFTA is designed to create a comprehensive African market; what is does at this stage is set in motion a set of complex and fore­seeably very lengthy negotiations. The next EU-AU Summit was identified as a pivotal moment for renewing a comprehensive joint strategic approach that delivers on these aspirations. A year later, in March 2015, the Council adopted the Gulf of Guinea action plan 2015-2020. The EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel was presented in 2011 by the High Representative and the Commission, upon the Council's request. On 30 June, the Council approved conclusions on Africa, restating the paramount importance of a stronger EU-Africa partnership. In June 2017, the EU committed to provide €50 million to support the newly established G5 Sahel Joint Force in order to improve security in the region. At least 13 Member States (out of 27) must vote in favour for a project to be approved. The strategic framework has led among other things to: In 2015, the Council adopted the Horn of Africa regional action plan 2015-2020. Many of the European countries are reviving their ties with different African countries. with the US, China, Russia and Turkey. The United States has an unwavering and longstanding commitment to Africa. The EU cooperates with 150 partner countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, as well as civil society and international organisations. The Council of the EU meets in different configurations depending on the topic discussed. The action plan takes into account challenges that have become more critical over the years, notably: The implementation of the action plan is led by the High Representative and the Commission. Find out more about documents and publications. The conclusions noted that the Joint Communication constitutes an excellent basis on which to initiate a new ambitious partnership with Africa. Article 205 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. The EU works together closely with the African Unionin this area. It is implemented through periodical action plans. The European Council brings together EU leaders at least four times a year. Europe and Africa have close historical, cultural and geographical ties. This outlines the EU's support to address the challenges of maritime security and organised crime in the region. Europe is by far Africa's largest export market (35% of Africa's exports), followed by Africa itself (18%), China (11%), the USA (8%) and India (7%). 30/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – Last week, the European Council opened what could be a new chapter in EU-Turkey relations. The EU Delegation has announced the implementation of Agro-Tech Development initiatives in Sierra Leone and is now accepting concept note submissions for these initiatives. Ethiopia: Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto on a second mission mandated by the EU High Representative Borrell, Ethiopia: G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on the situation in Tigray, Action de l’UE et de ses Etats Membres face à la pandémie de Covid-19, Sudan: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen for clearing it’s arrears to the IDA, En Côte d’Ivoire, l’Union européenne s’engage auprès des autorités et des populations dans la lutte contre la circulation et le trafic des armes légères, et la prévention de la violence armée,,, EU sanctions general Gabriel Moses Lokujo for human rights violations, Ambassador Bader commits to continued EU support to Women’s empowerment in South Sudan, South Sudan: Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union, Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), South Georgian and South Sandwich Islands, Palestine (*) - Occupied Palestinian Territory, West Bank and Gaza Strip, EU Annual Reports on Human Rights and Democracy, Call African European Youth Forum 28-29 September 2020, Zantchito (Skills for Jobs) – Project Fiche, Election Observation Mission Malawi 2019 - FINAL REPORT, Factsheet on EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIM), Oceans Beyond Piracy website and Gulf of Guinea map, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). Deepening cooperation based around shared interests and values will enable both sides to achieve their common goals and to tackle global challenges. Press officers speak 'off the record' about the Council's activities. But we have also seen important developments in their relationships with each other. In 2020, the EU provided nearly €8.5 million in humanitarian funding to assist Burundian refugees in neighbouring countries and refugees voluntarily repatriated in Burundi. The new Pan-African Programme will provide a major contribution to the EU- Africa Partnership, which the two continents established in 2007 with the Joint Africa-EU Strategy …