Wir fahren mit dem Aufzug, und nach der Besichtigung laden wir Sie zu einem köstlichen - hoffentlich nicht zu salzigen - Mittagessen im unterirdischen Restaurant ein. Wer von den damit verbundenen Chancen profitieren will, muss wissen, warum Gesundheit schon heute über Medikamente und Wellness-Kuren hinausgeht, mit welchen. Thesaurus. Take care and stay healthy. Wir sind Philanthropen und wollen deshalb Produkte zur Verfügung stellen, die das Wohlbefinden fördern -. A goes to visit U, who is unwell, U: Take care,A A: Take care of yourself. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'to\x20take\x20care' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Take good care of yourself and I love you beyond words. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Stay\x20safe!' eine eigene erfolgreiche Firma aufzubauen. shapeupeurope.net. However, being unhealthy can significantly impact your later years, and getting older doesn’t have to mean a decline in health. als Übersetzung von "take care of your health" vorschlagen. Your body is going through a change and it’s important to take care of yourself and stay healthy. können und welche neuen Konsumentensegmente an der Schnittstelle zur Gesundheit entstehen. Verbunden Gemeinsame Nutzung. Take Care Of Your Diet. Aber gerade die Arbeit im Weinberg stellt ständig neue Herausforderungen an mich: Jahrzehntelange Monokultur hat die Böden ausgelaugt, ihnen das Leben geraubt - das Leben, das der, With a vita-life Zone or Lounge you will be servicing. While you can’t control everything that affects bladder health, there are some steps you can take to improve bladder health. fresh air, visit the centuries-old dry stone walls, the clear sea, fishermen. Follow these 13 tips to keep your bladder healthy. 2. Take care all of you and good luck! A 2013-01-14: Take care and stay healthy. cosmetics and care products which sustainably preserve youth and beauty the natural way. Drink enough fluids, especially water. Schlagen Sie zuerst related vor. Jugend und Schönheit auf natürliche Weise möglichst nachhaltig erhalten. Take care of yourself. Gesundheit. Here are some tips to stay healthy and safe: Six feet and a mask, please. 07, 20:55: besorgen, oder für jd. Take good care of yourself, stay strong and healthy. take care of something: Letzter Beitrag: 03 Jun. You can be stay well and vibrant as you age. Water is the best fluid for bladder health. With the right combination of training, nutrition, coaching and the best medical care we are make your athletes fit. Acknowledge your limitations, and make peace with them. Antonyme entgegengesetzte Bedeutung. take care blow a kiss stay healthy get well soon air kiss candice king take care of yourself. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a variety of protein foods, and low-fat dairy products. Thesaurus für Stay healthy and take care. 69. If you're pregnant, trying for a baby or could get pregnant, it's recommended that you take a 400 microgram folic acid supplement every day until you're 12 weeks pregnant. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, With the correct choice of original spare parts and accessory, Mit der richtigen Auswahl an Originalersatzteilen, If you wish to spend next vacation at the Polish. Here's how you and your children can have healthy teeth and keep trips to the dentist to a minimum. As you start this new chapter of your life, take care. so you can assure the peace of mind of yourself and your entire family. business and develop your own successful company. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … Take good care of yourself and your health. Stay healthy ,take care. 69. A 2013-01-15: Take care and stay healthy. Official State of NJ Covid-19 Information Hub. It's easy to neglect your eyes because they often do not hurt when there's a problem. Happy birthday and stay healthy. that offer assistance to the blind and vision-impaired (in recognition of the fact that Cognex manufactures vision systems and sensors) and to projects that help cities and towns purchase lifesaving equipment for their communities. Read full article. How to stay healthy while taking care of a loved one with COVID-19. Most healthy people should try to drink six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of fluid each day. make sure you stay healthy!" Get some ‘me-time’ 16. Take care of yourself messages I wish everybody the best of luck. haben, so können Sie in den Naturistencentern. Synonyme. Dear Students, Faculty and Staff members! A: Take care Z: you too ! Healthy eating is an important part of your growth and development. If you’re feeling guilty or angry, take a break. shapeupeurope.net. Spa together with trained healthcare professionals. eindrucksvoll, dass regelmäßige Bewegung die. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy. After your results have been explained, you'll be offered personalised advice and support to help stay healthy, and lower your risk if any of your results need improving. Take care of your teeth and gums -Healthy body Secondary navigation. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen. Eat seasonal fruits that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals . Anyone wishing to take advantage of the opportunities this offers must understand why healthcare today already goes well beyond medicines and wellness cures. Achten Sie darauf, gut zu bleiben. 13 March 2020. From the importance of hydration, diet and exercise to at-home pampering treatments and sleep, here are five steps to take care of yourself. 46. You can stay healthy by eating well, getting adequate rest and exercise. Love yourself and your work. I want you to focus on recovery and getting back in shape asap. Take care and stay healthy. Don’t let anyone bring you down (Used when trying to console someone) 18. F 2012-09-25: Take care and keep on? Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Six feet and […] Maschinelle Übersetzung. fragen A 2012-09-26: Or else: Take care and keep your p... A 2012-09-26: take care and muddle along / through A 2012-09-25: Take care, and hang in there! Mrs Flemming has rightly pointed out that it is positive that people are able to live for, Kollegin Flemming hat zu Recht darauf hingewiesen, dass es positiv ist, dass die Menschen älter, You want to become clear of your professional future, to strengthen your self-confidence, to extend your competence to act, to fine-tune your ability of handling conflicts, to reach your defined goals, to find a good balance, between your professional and your private life projects - in order to be, Sie wollen sich über Ihren weiteren beruflichen Weg klar werden, Ihr Selbstbewußtsein stärken, Ihre Handlungskompetenz erweitern, Ihre Konfliktfähigkeit verfeinern, Ihre anvisierten Ziele erreichen, eine, gute Balance zwischen Arbeitsleben und privater Lebensplanung finden, um, Even though people often work longer and harder while parents tend to both work hard in order to provide for their family, it is not an excuse for people to be neglecting their health by filling their bodies with all sorts of junk Another difficulty comes in being, surrounded by a lot of processed food that don?t really pack in the nutritional, Obwohl Leute häufig längeres und härteres bearbeiten, während Eltern zu beiden Arbeit stark, zwecks für ihre Familie zu sorgen neigen, ist es nicht eine Entschuldigung, damit Leute ihre Gesundheit vernachlässigen, indem es ihre Körper mit aller Art des Trödels füllt, den eine andere Schwierigkeit kommt, in durch, viel verarbeitete Nahrung umgeben werden, die nicht wirklich im Nährwert, The Chinese are not only buying soap, they buy materials to build houses and offices, they buy machinery to produce more toys, they buy. I love you dearly. Die Chinesen kaufen nicht nur Seife, sondern auch Material zum Bau von Häusern und Büros; sie kaufen Maschinen zum Herstellen von Spielwaren, sie kaufen Handys, um. A: Take care V : Have a good day. A lot of us like to eat fast food. 10 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health When it comes to our physical health, we all have strategies to stay healthy and the physical parts of farming help with that, from chasing after livestock, carrying supplies and products to going up and down the ladder of bins and equipment. You just have to be a little more concern about your health. 09, 19:22: I will take care of the food for the party. Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert.proverb Take care to prevent the ... from being confused. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und bleibe gesund. Exercise; Another habit to stay healthy is through exercise. March 2 at 1:14 AM. Beispiele. 24 Mar 12:49 AM . 70. Der kostenlose Service von Google übersetzt in Sekundenschnelle Wörter, Sätze und Webseiten zwischen Deutsch und über 100 anderen Sprachen. Take care of your teeth and gums Children's teeth Sweets, fizzy drinks and bottles Lifestyle tips for healthy teeth ... Find out why regular eye tests (sight tests) are important and how a healthy lifestyle can help maintain good vision. Read more in our teeth cleaning guide. 45. die zahlreichen Sportaktivitäten, die Sie in Form halten werden, genießen. Ernährung alle Substanzen enthalten, die Ihr Körper braucht. Stay positive 17. Brush your teeth twice a day. Bitte bleibe Gesund und voller Hoffnung! illness like diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer. Go to your prenatal care checkups. Tahoe will be here when this passes. Stay safe and positive and we will get through all of this! How to stay healthy while taking care of a loved one with COVID-19. A 2013-01-13: Take (good) care of yourself and b... A 2012-11-20: Our business is healthy feet. Stay healthy! Take care of yourself = look after yourself and your health. your children from age 2, by classifying and monitoring the, die Ihrer Kinder ab 2 Jahren aufzupassen, indem sie den. Thirsty plants and grasses, such as turfgrass, generally require more water than, Durstige Pflanzen und Gräser, wie etwa Rasen, benötigen im Allgemeinen mehr Wasser als einheimische, Compare the minerals and nutrients that plants absorb through the soil with minerals and, Vergleiche die Nährstoffe, die die Pflanzen über den Boden aufnimmt mit den Vitaminen, die, We are philanthropists and, therefore, we want to make available products. Exercise regularly. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. In a green environment, near Paris, discover the way of taking necessar fundaments to your recovery : hygiene, food, dietetic, cares, exercices adapted to your particular, problem, give from chinese especialists of, Entdecken Sie im Grünen, in der Nähe von Paris, die Möglichkeit, die notwendigen Grundlagen für die Wiederherstellung Ihrer Gesundheit zu erlangen: Regeln für gesunde. Koshevoy. What are the symptoms of the menopause? English (US) French (France) those two phrases are used a little differently. Think positive. Stay at a health resort or spa (an application must be submitted to Mondial in advance for assessment) - Services of certified nursing staff for home care eurocentres.com Kuraufenthalte (dafür ist vorgängig bei der Mondial ein Gesuch zur Prüfung einzureichen) - Dienste … 42. We take care of you: packing and branding are carefully studied to obtain the best stocking results; [...] we offer quick and cheap logistical solutions, we have a global distribution web, we offer technical and business training both on our premises and at our customers' locations to support your sales, our expert design teams are at your disposal to create new and customised products. F 2012-09-22: nobody needed her to take care of them 1 / 2. The vagina is a tube of muscle inside a woman's body that runs from the cervix (the opening of the womb) to the vaginal opening. אז, צ'יף, ... Traduction en contexte Traducción en contexto Tradução em contexto Traduzione in contesto Übersetzung im Kontext الترجمة في السياق 文脈に沿った翻訳 情境中的译文 Vertaling in context תרגום בהקשר Перевод в контексте Tłumaczenie w … Abstand halten und dennoch zusammenhalten – noch nie standen wir vor einer solch großen Herausforderungen wie die der aktuellen Situation. for the structures of the dwelling, ventilation has to be in operation continually. Keep going hard to achieve what you desire. Take time every day to refresh your mind. Practical tips to take care of your mental health during the stay in Achten Sie gut und bleiben Sie gesund zu. shapeupeurope.net. Take care! aus Stein, genießen Sie das klare Meer, beobachten Sie die Fischer, die Delphine, ersteigen Sie die Gipfel, von denen man auf die ganze Inselgruppe von Lošinj, die benachbarten Inseln und das weite Festland hinunterblickt. Take care dear! You will be able to realize the lifestyle of your dreams faraway from the chaos of the cities following oenogastronomical. A 2013-01-15: Take care and stay healthy. you could say: " be careful about the coronavirus! keep containing all nutritional substances your body needs. sich lange Zeit an einem krankheitsbezogenen Ansatz, dem Risikofaktorenmodell. Those technics take care of your possible health, unsetteled, from small to hard one. Take good care of yourself and I love you beyond words. It shows them how saving energy and water. in die Welt der Jugendlichen passt, wird sie erfolgreich sein. Teens should be physically active at least 60 minutes of every day. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy. Women should get regular prenatal care from a health care provider. The de allows you to add a person, place, or thing, changing the expression to "take care of _____." Take care and stay well. I have missed you so much and I am eagerly waiting to see you soon. Sex comes with different health risks. you could say: " be careful about the coronavirus! Stay healthy, we meet in Fairfax. I love you to the moon and back. Mit einer vita-life Zone oder Lounge bedienen Sie. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … 2011-08-26 15:08:38 - Eliminate toxins with a healing cleanse If you want to maintain your health you must take care to do healthy things. stay safe and take care. Ask for help when you need it so you can get away and take care of your health. Coronavirus: how to stay healthy and happy during virus outbreak and flu season, from the vitamins you need to exercise like yoga Boost your immune system with vitamin C, … ****wichtig**** ta take care about & to take care of : Letzter Beitrag: 08 Mai 08, 20:52 : hey ich hab mal ne frage ! Take care! Do not give up easily. 44. All you need now is to stay well and healthy. 13. Dupa ce rezultatele au fost explicate, vi se va oferi consiliere și sprijin pentru a ajuta rămână sănătoși personalizate, și reduce riscul în cazul în care … Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. Bleibe gesund und grüße Julie von mir. Especially inside. A 2013-01-14: Take care and stay healthy. Status der Körpermasse Ihrer Kinder kontrollieren und bewerten. best waters in Europe for numerous medical indications. Definitionen. Take care of your physical health. Antonyme. Bleibe gesund, wir sehen uns in Fairfax. Deutsche Übersetzung des Songtexts für I'll Take Care of You by Beth Hart. Hope and pray this coronavirus pandemic ends soon. He repays his debt by sending her letters or cards: I am well, Er erstattet seine Schuld zurŸck, indem er ihr Briefe oder Karten schickt: Ich fŸehle gut, hoffe, It is the ideal solution for you who do not have enough time or who do not like to go, Die ideale Lösung für Sie, wenn Sie nicht genügend Zeit haben oder nicht zu verschiedenen Orten, Besides that you can educate yourself in the sphere of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle and you, Darüber hinaus können Sie sich im Bereich der gesunden, Ernährung und des gesunden Lebensstils weiterbilden und erfahren, wie, In einer durch Stress beherrschten Welt möchten, Their compositions have been properly tested, Ihre Kompositionen wurden ordnungsgemäß geprüft und, Our examinations are carried out rapidly and efficiently and, depending on, Price comparison, test reports, health, green and. ... Find out how to help your vagina keep clean and healthy, and why you don't need douches or vaginal wipes. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! and what new consumer segments will emerge at the interface of the healthcare market. See a translation 0 likes 0 disagrees Highly-rated answerer yannick_kande. keeping indoor air clean and other sustainable strategies can save money, Es zeigt ihnen, wie Energie und Wasser gespart werden kann und wie die, Reinhaltung der Raumluft und andere nachhaltige Strategien Geld sparen, Emissionen. A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. ein Wellness-Erlebnis, das sie immer wieder suchen werden. Size: 3538.56640625KB. A 2013-01-14: Take care and stay healthy. mind, needs living water, because water is the most important food source. Let go of guilt. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: Take care ... Take care of the pence / pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. take care and stay safe. those two phrases are used a little differently. F 2012-09-25: Take care and keep on? Take good care of yourself, stay strong and healthy. Aim for eight or more cups each day. Pat yourself on the back for the job you’re doing. Dove is also working with them to donate our care products to hospitals and health care centers. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. Stay safe and positive and we will get through all of this! I… 2 Antworten: take care of costs: Letzter Beitrag: 28 Jan. 11, 09:10: Were all of the health care costs taken care of? Keep well and take care! institutlatortue.com Entdecken Sie im Grünen, in der Nähe von Paris, die Möglichkeit, die notwendigen Grundlagen für die Wiederherstellung Ihrer Gesundheit zu erlangen: Regeln für gesunde Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für take care im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! March 2 at 1:15 AM # happines is only When we r HeAlThY## Women's Wellness Studio. Dimensions: 360x480. Okay...Take care and Eat Healthy Okay ... Achten Sie darauf, und gesund essen I take care about a healthy … spending the evenings in discotheques or nightclubs of every kind? Mit Finclub haben Sie die Gelegenheit sich. 13 March 2020. "take care of yourself" is something you can say to a friend when you want to say goodbye. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'about\x20take\x20care' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. You'll need to conjugate prendre to make the phrase work, changing the verb depending on who you're talking to. A. Pawlowski. Follow your doctor's treatment plan, get ongoing medical care, take measures to stay healthy, and seek help and support. Junk food is a major contributor to childhood obesity as well , . When a person knows how to take care of his reproductive system, he’s more likely aware of the risks. Take care of yourself messages I wish everybody the best of luck. Why are regular eye tests so important? Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … Stay Safe The Vampire Diaries GIF by Cameo. (nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Cognex Systeme und Sensoren, die "sehen" können, herstellt) und Projekte unterstützt, die Gemeinden und Städten bei der Anschaffung von lebensrettender Ausstattung helfen. Only a well-balanced and motivated, horse can use his full potential in order to show a constant and pleasant, Mit der richtigen Kombination aus Training, Ernährung, Coaching und bester medizinischer Betreuung machen wir auch Ihren Sportler fit, denn nur ein ausgeglichenes und motiviertes, Pferd kann sein Potential voll ausschöpfen, um konstante, ansprechende.