She served as Minister of Defence of Germany from 2013 to 2019. The latest breaking news, comment and features from The Independent. Shunned Von der Leyen finally perched on a … Stay informed. Sofagate: Female EU President left standing in 'sexist snub', 'Hasn't She Played Musical Chairs?' Von der Leyen, as president of the European Commission, is head of the EU executive. Ursula von der Leyen News – Craft whiskeys, an American success story, are facing death by trade war April 6, 2021 Ursula von der Leyen News – Scott Morrison – Electric car owners poke fun at Morrison, say EVs “ruined” their Easter weekend | Fintech Zoom European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen was left without a chair in a meeting with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in an incident seen as a … Ursula von der Leyen threatens to block 19m AstraZeneca vaccine doses from leaving Europe LBC News 11:33 21-Mar-21 Weekly Briefing: The perils of Covid schadenfreude CapX 09:47 21-Mar-21 Ursula von der Leyen threatens to stop AstraZeneca jabs leaving EU Evening Standard 08:07 21-Mar-21 order back issues and use the historic Daily Express To see how, and to learn how to control cookies, The EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and EU Council President Charles Michel will pay a rare visit to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan aimed at testing his commitment to improve uneasy ties. Please click 'Sign in and Subscribe' to continue. Track breaking Von-Der-Leyen headlines & analysis on Hürriyet Daily News. Express. Is the EU Losing the Battle on Rule of Law? Video footage shows von der Leyen, the European Commission's first female president, forced to sit on a nearby sofa. By clicking "OK" or continuing to use this site, you agree that we may collect and use your personal data and set An existing account was found for this email address. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Click here to sign-in and subscribe via a link sent to your email. Don't miss out! The centre-right defence minister will … Von der Leyen was initially considered the front-runner to be nominated by the ruling CDU/CSU parties for election as President of Germany in the 2010 presidential election, but Christian Wulff was eventually chosen as the parties' candidate. Turkish 'Sofagate' With Von Der Leyen Riles Social Media, Tuesday evening UK news briefing: Under 30s to be offered alternative to AstraZeneca jab, EU Chief Snubbed At Meeting with Erdogan in Diplomatic Fiasco, NGOs call for nuclear's inclusion in EU taxonomy, Video Shows Presidential Protocol Mishap in Turkey, Sofagate: Von der Leyen ‘surprised’ after embarrassingly left without a chair at EU summit with Turkish president, 'Give her a seat': Anger as European Commission president sidelined in Turkey meeting, As her male counterparts sit, an EU President is left awkwardly standing, #Sofagate: Outrage on social media as Ursula Von der Leyen is denied a chair at EU-Erdogan meet, Ursula von der Leyen snubbed in chair gaffe, ‘Divan-gate’: Brussels angry over von der Leyen Turkey chair snub, Turkey's chair snub riles EU chief as she defends women's rights, Sofa, so bad: Turkish seating snafu hits von der Leyen, Michel, Ursula von der Leyen left without a chair at EU summit in Turkey, Ursula von der Leyen snubbed in awkward chair situation at meeting with Turkish president, Gaffe as EU's Von der Leyen left without chair as male leaders look on, Sofagate in Ankara: EU’s von der Leyen left standing in meeting with Erdoğan, EU officials vent anger over Turkey’s ‘deliberate’ snub to Ursula von der Leyen, 'Sofagate': Brussels Angry Over Von Der Leyen Turkey Chair Snub, Snub in EU-Turkey meeting highlights gender equality issue, Ursula von der Leyen / European commission president left without a seat at Erdoğan meeting, Three Presidents, two chairs: Diplomatic SofaGate in Turkey, EU commission head taken aback as Erdogan and her colleague snap up the chairs, EU Commission’s female boss left without a chair at Turkey meeting, EU Reiterates Concern Over Turkey’s Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention, Ursula von der Leyen snubbed by Erdogan in sofa faux pas, Any relaunch of EU-Turkey relations must be based on a return to democratic values, Ursula von der Leyen not given an equal seat at Presidency, EU Leaders Warn Erdogan on Human Rights Amid Progress in Talks, Top EU officials seek improved ties, positive agenda in meeting with Erdogan, EU officials tell Turkey human rights are key to better ties, EU's Von der Leyen tells Erdoğan 'human rights non-negotiable', Positive agenda at center of Turkey, EU reconciliation roadmap. We will not share your email address with any third parties. Sputnik is live from Ankara, Turkey, where European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel are holding a press conference following negotiations with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Sorry, no headlines or news topics were found. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen was speechless after being left without a chair during a meeting with Turkey's leader. Mr Blinken comes to town: bearing which gifts and new expectations? Analysis: what's at stake in EU talks with Turkey? European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during a joint news conference with EU Council President Charles Michel after … Ursula Von der Leyen has suggested Turkey was guilty of sexism in failing to provide her with a seat at a meeting with president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ursula von der Leyen was left without a seat at a summit in Ankara on Tuesday after her two male counterparts took the only available chairs, leaving her to perch on a nearby sofa. With only two chairs available, Von der Leyen … Ursula von der Leyen is the President-elect of the European Commission. She has been a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Von der Leyen said she hopes to reach a global deal on digital taxes in the OECD framework, with the consent of the U.S., by new a "final deadline" mid-2021. Last week, she told German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung that "a country on its … News that this Wunderfrau — aka German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen — could become the Commission’s next president left European capitals abuzz on Tuesday. You can unsubscribe whenever you want. Get the day's top headlines delivered to your inbox. Ursula von der Leyen snubbed in awkward chair situation at meeting with Turkish president. She served as Minister of Defence of Germany from 2013 to 2019. News Brussels chides Turkey on 'sofagate' von der Leyen snub. Germany's Ursula von der Leyen has been narrowly elected president of the EU Commission following a secret ballot among MEPs. Speaking after the meeting with the Turkish leader, von der Leyen stressed that "human rights issues are non-negotiable". ': Female EU boss left without chair in Turkey meeting, ‘Ehm’: Chair gaffe highlights gender equality issue, Charles Michel on ‘sofagate’: Not my fault, European Commission President "surprised" after being left without a chair during meeting with colleague and Turkish, EU leaders promise Turkey to strengthen cooperation in exchange for concessions in the Mediterranean. IRI COVID-19 Report Cited by Voice of America. You can unsubscribe whenever you want. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has admitted a country on its own - such as the UK - can act as a "speedboat" compared to the EU's "tanker" in the delivery of COVID vaccines. Use at least 8 characters, an uppercase and a lowercase letter, and a number or symbol. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Does America Still Need to Worry So Much About Europe? 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Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, attended a ceremony at the House of European History in Brussels on Sunday, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Treaty of Lisbon.On this occasion, the President received the Treaties from David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, in a symbolic hand-over. Are Syrian refugees going to pay for Europe's disagreements with Turkey? Ursula von der Leyen - latest news, breaking stories and comment - The Independent Support us Ursula von der Leyen - the first woman to fill the EU's top job - will replace Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on November 1. Ursula von der Leyen is the President-elect of the European Commission. Brussels has expressed dismay after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen found herself without an … On Sunday, 1 December, the von der Leyen Commission took office. Second phase of Britain’s Covid vaccine roll-out is now dependent on EU supply, Von der Leyen warns AstraZeneca must honour contract before exporting doses elsewhere, EU could still limit jabs to UK as it warns AstraZeneca to ‘catch up’ in Europe, EU and UK vaccine row: European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen warns Astrazeneca must 'honour' EU contract, President von der Leyen on the EU's role in Global Health: 'Europe has chosen to build a global alliance'. Sign up for a FREE NewsNow account and get our email alert of the day's top stories from the UK and around the world. Von der Leyen, as president of the European Commission, is head of the EU executive. Jean-Claude Juncker has attacked Ursula von der Leyen, his successor as European Commission president, for starting a “stupid vaccine war” with … Christian Kern, a … © Copyright 1997 - 2021 NewsNow Publishing Limited. How Europe botched its vaccine rollout through shortages, stalled negotiations with drugmakers, Earth Hour 2021 breaks all records calling for action in crucial year for climate, people and nature, Sky & Space Intergroup calls on European Commission to declare 2022 European Year of Aviation, Andrew Bridgen MP: The EU and Ursula von der Leyen set out to teach AstraZeneca a lesson but, European Commission President Threatens to Block AstraZeneca Exports to UK Until Firm Makes, Covid booster jabs forecast for the over-70s, Weekend Read: How the EU lost the vaccines war, Letter to EC head relating to rebel judge contains ‘untruthful’ info: PiS MEP, Von Der Leyen Threatens to Block AstraZeneca Exports to UK Until Firm Makes Good on Deliveries to EU, Media freedom broached in von der Leyen-Janša virtual meeting, Vaccine exports from EU could be banned — Commission President, EU says AstraZeneca must 'catch up' on vaccine deliveries. Ursula von der Leyen News – EU’s ‘stunning disregard’ for voters as critics demanded Von Der Leyen was rejected | World | News Vaccine row: European Union warned about contracts by Wallace Brussels is in turmoil as it faces major pressure from member states to get its COVID -19 vaccination programme on track. Please ensure your password has at least 8 characters, an uppercase and a lowercase letter, and a number or symbol. All news, headlines, photos and videos on Von-Der-Leyen. Stay informed. “It is a medical requirement to have a certificate proving that you have been vaccinated,” von der Leyen told Portuguese reporters. It appeared Von der Leyen, the sole attending female leader, was momentarily left without a seat - triggering an avalanche of criticism. “Finally some good news” was the general tenor. please read our, International Business Times - AU Edition, 'Sofagate’: Brussels angry as Turkey leaves EU chief von der Leyen standing, Turkish officials blame rivalry among EU leaders for 'sofa gate', Europe / Ursula Von der Leyen snubbed in chair gaffe at EU-Erdoğan talks, EU-Turkey Meeting Turns Awkward as Von der Leyen Left Without Chair, 'Sofagate’: Brussels angry as Turkey leaves EU chief Ursula von der Leyen standing, Brussels chides Turkey on 'sofagate' von der Leyen snub, Von der Leyen snubbed at EU-Erdogan talks, Awkward: EU president snubbed in chair gaffe during talks with Turkey’s Erdogan, Europe calls on Turkey to maintain 'positive momentum’, Von der Leyen puts Erdogan in his place over ‘Sofagate’ snub, Jordan's king, EU chief discuss regional developments, India-EU Partnership: Can The Unfulfilled Potential Be Realized? But Mamer said von der Leyen decided against making “an issue out of it,” and she didn’t mention the diplomatic gaffe in the post-meeting press conference. It produced an awkward scene, with von der Leyen … Von der Leyen, he suggests, may have been guilty of letting Boris Johnson get under her skin. To some EU staffers, however, the plan looked more like von der Leyen’s personal vendetta towards the UK over Brexit rather than any rational decision. We will not share your email address with any third parties. Please try different keywords. By clicking 'Create Account and Subscribe' you agree to us creating an account for you and subscribing you to our newsletter in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.Emails, which may be sent daily or less frequently, may include marketing elements. Von der Leyen sprung the idea of a “mutually recognized vaccination certificate” as a “medical requirement” for travel on Thursday in the course of praising a similar plan outlined to her in a letter from Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Von der Leyen said that, by the end of the summer, 70 percent of adults in the 27-nation EU should have been inoculated [Yves Herman/Reuters] Please check you have typed it correctly. Ursula von der Leyen. This was Mrs von der Leyen's first public acceptance of criticism. All rights reserved. Von der Leyen was eventually offered a seat on a nearby sofa, opposite Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who occupies a lower-status rank in diplomatic protocol. Von der Leyen’s relegation has already been condemned by EU figures past and present, as well as triggering the #SofaGate trend on social media. Subscribe to our email alert of the day's top stories from the UK and around the world. By clicking 'Sign in and Subscribe' you agree to us subscribing you to our newsletter in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.Emails, which may be sent daily or less frequently, may include marketing elements. "I am deeply worried about the … Click to get a sign-in link sent to your email. Forgot your password? We don't have an account for this email address. Footage shows a perplexed Ms Von der Leyen as Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and European Council president Charles Michel took … EU chiefs to visit Turkey amid tensions over Ankara’s crackdown on Kurdish-supporting party, European Council and European Commission heads to meet with Erdogan, Top EU officials to visit Turkey in early April, EU's Michel, von der Leyen to visit Turkey on April 6, Von der Leyen and Michel to visit Turkey next week, EU chiefs to travel to Turkey next week to meet with Erdoğan, EU chiefs to see Erdogan in Turkey next week, For a better, faster recovery: €1,000 checks for Europeans, 'Lack of perspective': why Ursula von der Leyen's EU vaccine strategy is failing. Yet she warned that "Europe will act" with its own digital tax "should an agreement fall short of a fair tax system that provides long-term sustainable revenues." “The UK is a tiny, tiny vaccine producer and will always be that. Michel, president of the European Council, represents member state governments. newspaper archive. EU to Turkey: human rights issues are non-negotiable, EU eyes “honest partnership” with Turkey but human rights breaches hinder the road, Turkey, EU to pursue positive agenda after EU chiefs' visit, Top EU officials meet Erdoğan for talks on migration, trade, EU’s Von der Leyen and Michel Brief Media on Meeting With Turkish President Erdogan, EU leaders meet Turkey’s Erdogan amid mutual desire for better relations, Turkey's Erdoğan receives EU policy chiefs Michel, von der Leyen, Here’s What You Need To Know About The European Regulations On AI, Any relaunch of EU - Turkey relations must be based on a return to democratic values, Erdoğan receives EU policy chiefs Michel, von der Leyen, Turkey: Von der Leyen, Michel in Ankara meeting with Erdogan, EU leaders visit Turkey to lay out terms for ties, not to negotiate, It's time for VDL to admit errors and develop a more global plan, Top EU officials head to Turkey in bid to improve ties, EU leaders’ Turkey visit to provide framework for future ties, How a desperate Erdogan could end Turkey’s authoritarian drift, EU nations struggle to full show vaccination solidarity, With Turkey, the EU is acting on the maxim of realpolitik only - Ronald Meinardus, Twenty human rights groups write open letter to EU chiefs ahead of Turkey visit, Europe’s stumbling vaccine rollout provides a lesson in EU politics, EU approaches final hurdle in sincerity test against Turkey, ‘Nul Jabs!’: EU Trade Commissioner Escalates COVID-19 Vaccine War With UK, Only Brits and Danes Think Their Govt has Got COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Right: Poll, Polish Briefing: V4 and Bulgaria’s prime ministers sent a letter to the EC on CO2 emissions, Ursula von der Leyen 'refused to sign' world leaders' pandemic plea. Please click 'Create Account and Subscribe' to create a new account and subscribe to our email alerts. Von der Leyen was flummoxed as Recep Tayyip Erdogan and European Council president Charles Michel took two chairs in front of the EU … cookies to improve your experience and customise advertising. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. The snub has sparked a row over women's rights with … Turkey: West accepts the inevitable, what about Putin? We are sorry, but the email address you entered does not appear to be valid. Michel, president of the European Council, represents member state governments. A row has broken out after the snub at the Tuesday's summit where one of the topics was women's rights. – Analysis, 'Ehm?